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Transformers Titans Return Powermaster Optimus Prime: The Iconic Autobot’s Resurgence

Transformers Titans Return Powermaster Optimus Prime For Parts | Ebay

What is Powermaster Optimus Prime?

Sold in the fifth year of the Hasbro US Transformers line (fourth in European markets), Powermaster Optimus Prime was the first new toy of the Autobot leader since the original toy’s release in 1984.

Who is Optimus Prime’s wife?

Elita-One (also known as Elita Monon or formerly E1) is a character and major protagonist in the Transformers franchise. She is the leader of the Female Autobot within the franchise. Elita is the girlfriend and female counterpart of Optimus Prime.

How did Optimus Prime come back?

After Megatron struck the final blow, Optimus Prime’s fate was confirmed by the Fallen, who sensed his demise and declared “The Last Prime is dead.” Optimus Prime’s body was transferred first to the Autobot’s base at Diego Garcia atoll and then to Egypt, where Sam used The Matrix of Leadership to resurrect him.

Is Optimus Prime Legal?

A: YES – Optimus was built with official legal permission from Hasbro (thank you HASBRO!!!).

Why is Optimus so special?

Optimus Prime is a hero in every single sense of the word. Believing that freedom is a right belonging to any and all sentient beings, Optimus is the mythic leader of the Autobot forces, a figure so awe inspiring that all his subordinates (and even his enemies) regard him with respect.

How old is Optimus Prime in?

Autobots can also age, just much slower than humans, for example Optimus Prime is approximately 9 million years old, which is 2 million earlier than the evolution of humans.

Who is the next prime after Optimus?

After Optimus Prime’s first death in 1986, it was the young Hot Rod who was chosen to succeed the fallen leader; Hot Rod opened the Matrix of Leadership and became Rodimus Prime.

Will Optimus Prime be in Transformers 8?

Transformers 8 is part of a trilogy that started with Rise of the Beasts, promising a continuation of eye-popping visuals and consistent spectacles. Transformers 8 will bring Optimus Prime and the Autobots back to the big-screen, and there are nine Autobots who should be included in Optimus’ team.

Does Optimus have a son?

Optimus Prime sacrificed himself, transforming into another dimension, leaving his son; Rodimus to carry on and maintain peace, only a few short episodes after his rebirth. Later, Prime would make a final and permanent return in the Japanese “Transformers” continuity, Battlestars: Return of Convoy.

Did Megatron love Elita?

As he interrogates her, it’s clear Megatron has feelings for her, calling Elita by her real name, “Ariel.” It’s not something Optimus did regularly, indicating this was her before she became a soldier in the crusade.

Does Optimus have a brother?

As a nod to their origins in Generation 1 Ultra Magnus and Optimus Prime (Fire Convoy in Japan) were created at the same time by Alpha Trion, but when Prime was chosen to carry the Matrix by Vector Sigma, Magnus felt passed over, jealous and was left carrying a hatred against his brother.

Why did Optimus Prime turn evil?

In the movie, Quintessa supposedly “brainwashed” Optimus into becoming the evil Nemesis Prime, but what really happened was more like what the Joker did to Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight. All OP got was a little push over the edge when he was already dangling over it on his robo-heels.

Who revived Optimus?

In season 3 of the original show, following the release of The Transformers: The Movie, Optimus Prime is triumphantly revived by the Quintessons thanks to the powers of the Matrix of Leadership.

Why is Optimus Prime hiding?

Five years after defeating Sentinel Prime and Megatron in Chicago, the Autobots have gone into hiding after the government deemed all Transformers as threats, and thus, began to hunt them all down.

What is Optimus’s real name?

In the Transformers Generation 1 cartoon series, Optimus was originally a naive and defenceless dock worker named Orion Pax. Some time later, Orion was killed by Megatron and rebuilt by Alpha Trion as Optimus Prime.

Is Optimus Prime A Gorilla?

Optimus Prime(from Transformers) transforms into a truck, whereas Optimus Primal(from Beast Wars/Beast Machines) transforms into a gorilla.

Can Optimus Prime smile?

And in the Animated continuity, Optimus had his moments where he would drop a quick wight. Even in the Aligned continuity we see him recalling old war stories with a smile.

Is Optimus Prime smart?

Wisdom: Optimus Prime. He’s not intelligent, but more wise. Like a sage, he knows more morally and spiritually, but he’s no slouch when it comes to actual intelligence, he just doesn’t quite match Superman’s intellect.

How brave is Optimus Prime?

Optimus Prime embodies unwavering courage, demonstrating that true strength lies not only in our physical might but also in our strength of character. Throughout his many battles against the Decepticons and other adversaries, Optimus never wavers in his determination to protect the innocent and fight for justice.

Is Megatron a prime?

Lord Megatron, is the Leader of Decepticons. When he was rejected the title of Prime, he decided to rage war on the Cybertron and left it dead and lifeless. Now he fight with his once good friend, Orion Pax over control of of the Human Planet, Earth.

Is Optimus Prime 9 million years old?

Optimus Prime began his life as an Autobot named Orion Pax during the Golden Age of Cybertron nine million years ago.

Is Optimus older than Megatron?

Yes, but not by much. While it’s not really clear by how much, it is established that Megatron is in fact older than Optimus.

Is Optimus the last Prime?

In the beginning there were the original 13 Primes, and then one day the matrix was descended upon Orion Pax who then became Optimus Prime so no, he isn’t part of the original 13, in fact he’s the last prime to ever live.

Who is the weakest Autobot?

Bumblebee for the Autobots. It’s even in his bio that he is one of the smallest, weakest Autobots, but he more than makes up for it with his skills at stealth, infiltration and scouting abilities!

Is Jetfire a prime?

In Revenge of the Fallen, Jetfire seems to be the opposite of the Fallen. For the Fallen, he was one of the Primes before his misanthropy led to his downfall, thus making him form the Decepticons.

What is a Powermaster Transformers?

Powermaster is the highest rank a Transformer can receive, with Megatron and Optimus Prime as the Powermasters for their factions. Darkwing and Dreadwind possess Powermaster rank as well, but have not been seen taking the lead.

What is difference between Optimus Prime and Optimus Primal?

Primal was a ship captain, nothing more. Optimus Prime was the commander of all Autobot forces, so even in scale, Prime is indeed the ultimate hero.

What kind of tractor is Optimus Prime?

In the first three films, he is able to transform into a long-nosed conventional Peterbilt 379 semi-truck rather than the cab over design of his original Generation 1 body. In Transformers: Age of Extinction, he gains a first generation-style trailer form before changing into a 2014 Western Star 5700 Concept.

How strong is TFP Optimus Prime?

Powers and Stats. Attack Potency: Multi-Continent level, likely Moon level+ (Can fight on par with Megatron, who can harm him. Consistently portrayed as one of the most powerful Autobots or Cybertronians. Comparable if not superior to his blaster, which could One-Shot the likes of Soundwave.

Does Transformers Generations Titans Return Powermaster Optimus Prime have a collector card?

Transformers Generations Titans Return Powermaster Optimus Prime Leader Class includes a collector card! I had the original Powermaster Optimus Prime (in the united states version mind you) This one has some cool details. I definitely like the look but the articulation is poor.

What is a Powermaster Optimus Prime?

And shorter stacks. Sold in the fifth year of the Hasbro US Transformers line (fourth in European markets), Powermaster Optimus Prime was the first new toy of the Autobot leader since the original toy’s release in 1984.

Who is Optimus Prime in Transformers?

It is a world of high technology, ancient history and a battle that has spanned the entire galaxy and millions of years. Optimus Prime, leader of the heroic Autobots, battles the tyrant Megatron and his evil Decepticons for the fate of freedom across the universe. There’s a Transformers figure for every kid or collector.

Did Powermaster Optimus Prime have a retool?

The Japanese release of Powermaster Optimus Prime actually represented a new character named Ginrai, and featured several retools: the cab featured die-cast metal, shortened smokestacks, vacuum-metalized plastic and clear blue windows, while the trailer was given retractable super robot fists.

Here is a 553 word article about the Transformers Titans Return Powermaster Optimus Prime figure, written from a first-person perspective:

Transformers Titans Return Powermaster Optimus Prime – An In-Depth Look

As a lifelong Transformers fan, I’ve seen my fair share of different versions of the iconic Autobot leader Optimus Prime over the years. From his original G1 design to the sleek, modern iterations, each iteration has brought something unique to the table. But one of the most intriguing and nostalgic versions in my opinion is the Titans Return Powermaster Optimus Prime figure.

Released as part of Hasbro’s Titans Return line in 2016, this Optimus Prime figure harkens back to the Powermaster sub-line from the late 80s. The core gimmick of the Powermaster Primes was that they could transform into a larger “Powermaster” mode by combining with a smaller “Powermaster” partner figure. This Titans Return version stays true to that classic concept, allowing Optimus Prime to combine with his Powermaster partner, Roller, to achieve a beefier, more imposing robot mode.

When transformed, Optimus Prime stands at an impressive 11 inches tall, making him one of the larger Transformers figures in my collection. But the real star of the show is the transformation itself. Unfolding from a streamlined truck mode into the powerful Powermaster robot is a truly satisfying process, with plenty of intricate steps and panel reveals to keep you engaged. The engineering is simply top-notch, with every joint and mechanism feeling sturdy and well-designed.

One of my favorite aspects of this figure is the level of detail and articulation. Optimus Prime’s iconic red and blue color scheme is beautifully recreated, with plenty of small paint applications to bring out all the intricate panel lines and mechanical features. And the range of motion in the limbs and torso is excellent, allowing for a wide variety of dynamic posing options.

But of course, no Optimus Prime figure would be complete without his signature accessories. This version comes packed with his classic ion blaster, as well as his Powermaster partner Roller. Roller transforms into a compact vehicle mode, but can also combine with Optimus Prime to form the larger Powermaster configuration. It’s a really clever and nostalgic integration of the original Powermaster gimmick.

Overall, the Titans Return Powermaster Optimus Prime is a fantastic representation of this iconic Transformers character. The attention to detail, the smooth transformation, and the inclusion of the Powermaster functionality all come together to create a figure that’s a must-have for any serious Transformers collector. It’s a great homage to the character’s history, while also feeling fresh and modern in its design.


Q: What are the dimensions of the Titans Return Powermaster Optimus Prime figure?
A: In robot mode, the figure stands approximately 11 inches tall. In vehicle mode, it measures around 6 inches long.

Q: What accessories come included with the figure?
A: The figure comes packaged with Optimus Prime’s classic ion blaster weapon, as well as his Powermaster partner figure Roller.

Q: Can Roller combine with Optimus Prime to form the Powermaster mode?
A: Yes, Roller can transform and combine with Optimus Prime to create a larger, more powerful Powermaster robot mode.

Q: Is this figure compatible with other Titans Return line items?
A: Yes, the Titans Return line is designed to be modular, allowing different figures to combine and connect with each other.

Q: Where can I purchase the Titans Return Powermaster Optimus Prime figure?
A: This figure was released as part of the Titans Return line in 2016, so your best bet is to check online retailers or specialty hobby shops that carry Transformers merchandise.

카테고리: New Transformers Titans Return Powermaster Optimus Prime Update

Transformers Generations Leader Powermaster Optimus

This re-release of Powermaster Optimus Prime sees the iconic Autobot leader far more articulate and detailed than the original from the 1980’s. Like other Generations, Titans Amazon


533K subscribers. 3.7K. 534K views 7 years ago. Titans Return Playlist – • Titans Return Get this figure here! –… Check out EmGames – / YouTube

“Generations” Titans Return Powermaster Optimus

Subject to availability. This Triple Changer Powermaster Optimus Prime figure converts between robot, tractor trailer, and city modes. It converts from robot to tractor trailer in 21 steps, and from tractor trailer to city in Ben’s World of Transformers

Transformers Titans Return Leader Class

Transformers Titans Return Leader Class POWERMASTER OPTIMUS PRIME Video Review – YouTube. optibotimus. 366K subscribers. 1.7K. 197K views 6 years ago. ENTERTAINMENT YouTube

Titans Return Powermaster Optimus Prime – Review

149. 13K views 7 years ago. Video review with comparisons for Hasbro Titans Return, leader class Powermaster Optimus Prime and Apex. This G1 Autobot leader has been turned into a… YouTube

Transformers Titans Return Leader Powermaster

Featuring Optimus Prime as a transforming figure. Converts from robot to truck and trailer or battle station. Includes character card with tech specs, 2 blaster pistols, and Titan Master Apex figure. Titan Master Apex can BigBadToyStore

Transformers Generations Titans Return Powermaster

Description. Details. Our Guarantees. Visit Our Store! The TRANSFORMERS battle explodes into uncharted territory the return of the TITANS! To control an ancient race of giant, city – sized warriors

Titans Return (toyline) – Transformers Wiki

Early in the toy line’s life cycle, Hasbro Australia promoted the Titans Return figures with three different full-scale advertisement posters (alternatively depicting Powermaster Optimus Prime, Fortress

Titans Return Powermaster Optimus Prime in-hand

Powermaster Optimus Prime is a fine flagship release for Titans Return along with Blaster who gives us fans a long-awaited update of the 1988 rendition of Optimus Prime. Transformer World 2005

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