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Star Ocean 2 Character Recruitment Guide: Unlock the Secrets of Your Party

Who is the best character to start with in Star Ocean second story?

Claude is usually the best pick for your first time through, since the first half of the game is mostly focused on him while the second half is mostly focused on Rena (The original version for the PS1 was 2 discs, mind you).

Can you recruit all characters in Star Ocean 2?

You’ve got eight slots to fill in your Star Ocean 2 roster, but there are 13 characters. With Claude and Rena situated as party staples, you’re limited to six slots to fill along the way. Some characters, like Ashton and Opera, won’t join you if you’ve already invited someone else.

Should I recruit Celine Star Ocean 2?

In the end, the choice is down to you – you won’t miss out on any big side quests by rejecting Celine’s offer to join you, and she’s not necessary to complete the game by any means.

Should I recruit Leon Star Ocean 2?

Yes keep Leon. There really is no reason to have all four mages in one party unless doing a mages only game, but you should keep Leon anyway because he’s awesome and cool.

Who is better, Celine or Leon?

The general consensus goes that Leon is better …he has better stats ..earlier better weapons ..and somewhat better spells _and shorter animation_.

Is Star Ocean 2 hard?

Depends on how good you are at these games. You could try swapping difficulty (at any time) to universe. Imo, the game is pretty easy tbh even without all the cheese or outside knowledge of the hidden super OP stuff to get early, but others have had some difficulty so mileage may vary on Universe.

Can you play Star Ocean 2 without 1?

Do you need to have played a STAR OCEAN game before? Short answer: no. It’s a standalone adventure with its own story, worlds and characters. Longer answer… well, let’s be honest – the name ‘STAR OCEAN THE SECOND STORY’ does imply that there might be a first story to experience first.

Can you get Leon with Rena?

You can only recruit Leon if you’re playing through Claude’s side of the story. Same goes for Dias if you’re playing as Rena. So in other words, you can’t keep Leon if your main character is Rena.

What happens if you don’t recruit Celine?

If your playing Rena’s quest rejecting Celine can result in special pa’s involving Rena and Celine and can get Celine a special ending. You’ll have to check the second story faqs to see how to activate them though.

Does Star Ocean 2 have romance?

There is a sort of romance system in this Star Ocean game, but it’s not like modern friendship and romance systems at all.

Who is the main character in Star Ocean 2?

Star Ocean: The Second Story takes place in S.D 366 (A.D 2452), twenty years after the original game, Star Ocean. The game tells the stories of Claude C. Kenny, son of Ronyx J. Kenny, and Rena Lanford, a young girl living on the planet Expel.

Can you recruit opera without Ernest?

I want to recruit Opera without Ernest will I miss out on anything? Yes and no. Opera has a special ending if you do not recruit Ernest, but otherwise there is not much difference in terms of PAs, she will ofc have some different ones, but overall nothing major.

What is the max recruit in Star Ocean 2?

With 13 characters and a maximum party size of 8, choosing the right party members in Star Ocean: The Second Story R is tough. Star Ocean: The Second Story R is known for its large cast of characters.

Can you recruit Noel and Chisato?

Chisato and Noel are not mutually exclusive. The only problem with getting both is if you’ve already filled 7 slots, which TC didn’t before he recruited Noel.

Who is the best melee character in Star Ocean Second story R?

Claude is probably the best melee fighter in the game. All the way through. There are some arguments to be made for being his equal or barely squeaking out in certain fights, or because she can also heal and ranged skill, but pound for pound, no one is a better fighter than Claude.

How do you get Leon in Star Ocean 2?

Leon gets recruited if you play with Claude, whereas Dias gets recruited if you play with Rena.

How do you recruit Ernest in Star Ocean 2?

Finish the Hoffman Ruins. After Leon obtains the Energy Stone, exiting the ruins will show a scene with Ernest engaging a Ghoul in battle. After defeating the Ghoul, choose “Would you like to stick with us some more?” to recruit Ernest.

How to deal 99999 damage star ocean second story r?

99,999 damage just use megabomb on enemy with 200k hp or more. 40,000 orbs, you use formation that gives bonus sphere, then break enemy, and spam them with auto attack with +2 hits and star launching. You can get like 1k+ orbs every 5 chain battle. 99,999 damage just use megabomb on enemy with 200k hp or more.

Is Leon the best re character?

According to the poll, Leon Kennedy is the most popular character in the Resident Evil series, closely followed up by Jill Valentine in second place and Chris Redfield in third. That’s not too surprising considering how iconic the three are, but the results get more interesting the further down you go.

Is Leon good in Star Ocean Second Story R?

Leon is the ONLY mage that could possibly break 9999 per enemy in a single cast. Equip the Million Staff on him, and cast Gremlin’s Lair. It’s the ONLY multi-hit spell in the game.

How long to beat Star Ocean 2?

When focusing on the main objectives, Star Ocean: The Second Story is about 40 Hours in length. If you’re a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 81½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Can you romance in Star Ocean?

There’s not much romance in the Star Ocean series. The games focus more on gameplay than writing. The only “romance” you have is that each character has a hidden value how much he “likes” someone else.

What is the hardest boss in Star Ocean?

Optional wise but not including limiter off final boss then Iselia Queen is the hardest. Unlimited Indalecio is pretty much the hardest final boss in JRPG history.

Do I need to play Star Ocean 2 before 3?

The games all take place in the same universe but are so tangentially related that it doesn’t remotely matter what order you play them in.

How many characters can you have in Star Ocean 2?

Apart from brief periods in the story where the player has only one character in their party (always the originally-chosen protagonist), the number of characters in a single party ranges from two to a maximum of eight. Only Claude C. Kenni and Rena Lanford are mandatory.

Is Star Ocean Second Story R turn based?

No idea what were you smoking but if you ever played SO series, the game has never been turn based. If you’re talking about the targeting/timing options in SO2, It didn’t really make the game turn based, just altered how target selection worked.

Who is the best party member to recruit in Star Ocean Second story R?

Who are the best characters to recruit in Star Ocean The Second Story R? If you want some of the strongest attackers in the game, there are certain people you should try and make space for as you go through the campaign. Now, Claude and Rena are both probably the best characters in the game.

Who is the main character in Star Ocean second story?

The game gives the choice of playing dual protagonists: Rena Lanford or Claude C. Kenny. It was the first game in series to be translated to English and it was released in the United States and Europe, gaining a large following.

Who is the main character in Star Ocean 2?

Star Ocean: The Second Story takes place in S.D 366 (A.D 2452), twenty years after the original game, Star Ocean. The game tells the stories of Claude C. Kenny, son of Ronyx J. Kenny, and Rena Lanford, a young girl living on the planet Expel.

Which character to choose in Star Ocean: The Divine Force?

Choosing between characters is a matter of choice based on which character appeals to certain players the most. There’s no right or wrong way to play Star Ocean 6, as the game is designed to be played twice with both characters for longevity and replayability.

Can you recruit all party members in Star Ocean 2?

These are significant wrinkles in a mission to recruit all party members, but they’re also key design elements in Star Ocean: The Second Story R, as well as previous versions and iterations of the game. Essentially, these mechanics make it impossible to recruit all characters in a single playthrough.

Why is the Star Ocean 2 character recruitment system so complex?

The complexity of the Star Ocean 2 Character Recruitment system is mainly thanks to the party cap and the availability of characters in specific routes.

How do you recruit Opera in Star Ocean 2?

By recruiting him, you’ll miss the opportunity to recruit Opera and her lover, Ernest. Opera is considered one of the best-ranged fighters in Star Ocean 2, making this decision a substantial one. Recruitment: During the story sequence in Lacuer Front Line Base, Dias will talk to your party, if you start as Rena, he offers the option to join you.

Does Star Ocean have a second story R Party?

She’s been in the games industry for almost seven years, and has a fondness for RPGs, MMOs, farming sims, survival games, and the occasional horror adventure. Some Star Ocean: The Second Story R party members require extra work – here’s how to recruit them all in our SO2 character guide.

Star Ocean 2: Character Recruitment Guide

As a long-time fan of the Star Ocean series, I’ve spent countless hours exploring the expansive worlds and engaging with the diverse cast of characters. One of the most rewarding aspects of the games, in my opinion, is the character recruitment system. In Star Ocean 2, players have the opportunity to add a wide range of unique individuals to their party, each with their own unique abilities, backstories, and personalities. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through the process of recruiting the various characters in the game, providing valuable insights and tips to help you assemble the ultimate team.

One of the key things to keep in mind when recruiting characters in Star Ocean 2 is that their availability is often tied to specific story events or side quests. As you progress through the main narrative, you’ll encounter various NPCs who can potentially join your party, but their recruitment may be contingent on your actions, choices, and the order in which you complete certain tasks. It’s important to pay attention to dialogue cues, explore your surroundings thoroughly, and be willing to backtrack if necessary to ensure you don’t miss out on any potential party members.

Another crucial aspect of character recruitment is understanding each individual’s unique requirements and preferences. Some characters may be more inclined to join your party if you have a certain party member already present, while others may have specific items or actions that need to be fulfilled before they’re willing to lend their support. Additionally, the order in which you recruit characters can also have an impact, as the relationships and dynamics between party members can influence their reactions and interactions.

One of the most well-known characters in Star Ocean 2 is Claude C. Kenny, the game’s protagonist. As the son of the powerful Heraldic wizard, Ronixis J. Kenny, Claude possesses a unique set of skills and abilities that make him a valuable asset to any party. However, his recruitment is not as straightforward as one might expect. Players must first complete a series of events on the planet Expel, including a confrontation with the antagonist, Jema, before Claude will join your team.

Another key character is Rena Lanford, a young woman with a mysterious past and a deep connection to the game’s overarching narrative. Rena’s recruitment is tied to the early stages of the story, and players will need to guide her through a series of events, including the famous “Heraldic Scientist” sidequest, before she officially joins the party.

Beyond the main protagonists, Star Ocean 2 offers a wealth of supporting characters, each with their own unique charm and appeal. From the enigmatic swordsman Ashton Anchors to the lovable android Opera Vectra, the game’s cast is truly diverse and engaging. Recruiting these characters can often involve complex quests, unique item requirements, or even specific party member combinations, adding an extra layer of depth and strategy to the gameplay.

As you delve deeper into the world of Star Ocean 2 and work towards assembling your dream team, it’s important to keep the following tips in mind:

  • Pay close attention to dialogue and environmental cues to uncover potential recruitment opportunities.
  • Maintain a diverse party composition, as certain characters may have synergies or conflicts with one another.
  • Be willing to experiment with different party configurations to see how they affect the overall dynamic and performance.
  • Utilize a walkthrough or guide if you’re struggling to recruit a specific character, but try to avoid spoiling the story for yourself.
  • Embrace the game’s nonlinearity and be prepared to backtrack or revisit previous locations to ensure you don’t miss out on any party members.

By following these guidelines and immersing yourself in the rich world of Star Ocean 2, you’ll be well on your way to assembling the ultimate party of adventurers, each with their own unique stories, abilities, and contributions to the overall narrative.


  1. How do I recruit Claude C. Kenny?
    To recruit Claude, you’ll need to complete a series of events on the planet Expel, including a confrontation with the antagonist, Jema. Once these conditions are met, Claude will join your party.

  2. What are the requirements for recruiting Rena Lanford?
    Rena’s recruitment is tied to the early stages of the story. Players will need to guide her through a series of events, including the “Heraldic Scientist” sidequest, before she officially joins the party.

  3. Are there any unique requirements for recruiting the supporting characters?
    Yes, many of the supporting characters in Star Ocean 2 have specific requirements or quests that must be completed before they can be recruited. These often involve unique item collections, party member combinations, or specific story events.

  4. How important is party composition when recruiting characters?
    Party composition is crucial in Star Ocean 2, as certain characters may have synergies or conflicts with one another. It’s important to experiment with different configurations to see how they affect the overall party dynamic and performance.

  5. Should I use a walkthrough or guide to help with character recruitment?
    While using a walkthrough or guide can be helpful, especially for recruiting more elusive characters, it’s important to balance the desire for efficiency with the enjoyment of exploring the game’s world and discovering things on your own. Try to avoid spoiling the story as much as possible.

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