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Map of Shire from Lord of the Rings: A Captivating Exploration

Shire - Lord Of The Rings Wiki | The Hobbit, Map, Tolkien Map

Where is the Shire on the Lord of the Rings map?

The Shire is an inland area settled exclusively by hobbits, the Shire-folk, largely sheltered from the goings-on in the rest of Middle-earth. It is in the northwest of the continent, in the region of Eriador and the Kingdom of Arnor.

What is the geography of the Shire?

Orography. The Shire is a region of low elevations, and these are no higher than hills. The main ones are: Far Downs, are between the Tower Hills, west, and the White Downs to the east.

Is there a map in Lord of the Rings?

The Lord of the Rings The city of Minas Tirith (lower left) with its large encircling wall (the Rammas Echor) and the ruined city of Osgiliath astride the River Anduin nearby are shown. The Lord of the Rings contains three maps and over 600 placenames.

How far is Shire to Mordor?

They estimate that from the Shire to the fires of Mount Doom spans an enormous 2,765.6 kilometers. Or, about 1,718.5 miles. And Frodo and Sam both walked barefoot.

Is the Shire part of Gondor?

The Shire (Westron: Sûzat) is a land within the Reunited Kingdom of Arnor and Gondor. The Shire is the homeland of the Hobbits, located in the northwest of Middle-earth, in the region of Eriador and within the Kingdom of Arnor.

What country is the Shire’s rest in?

The Shire’s Rest is surrounded by stunning landscapes and far-reaching views of Mount Te Aroha and the Kaimai Ranges. Start your trip in true Kiwi fashion at the Cafe or Garden Bar, with home cooked food from our wide range of delicious meals, snacks, craft beers and drinks in authentic New Zealand surroundings.

Is the Shire the only place with hobbits?

Hobbit populations are overwhelmingly in the Shire (~180,000), with a a few thousand in Arthedain, and a few others maybe spilling over into the borders of West Eriador and Cardolan.

Who created the Shire?

Or, the Shire is like a county within England (which itself is part of the UK), and in fact that was Tolkien’s origin for “the Shire”… because most counties in England have the word “shire” in their very name, such as “Devonshire.”

Who rules the Shire?

The Shire-thain, also known as the Thain of the Shire, was the title given to the traditional military leader of the Hobbits in the Shire after the fall of Fornost and the Dúnedain Kingdom of Arthedain in the mid-Third Age. The Shire-thain was the master of the Shire-moot and the captain of the Shire-muster.

Where is Rivendell on the map?

Geography. Rivendell lay in eastern Eriador at the edge of a narrow gorge of the river Bruinen (one of the main approaches to Rivendell comes from the nearby Ford of Bruinen), well hidden in the moorlands and foothills of the Hithaeglir or Misty Mountains.

What happened to the Shire after LOTR?

Upon returning to the Shire, Frodo and his allies led the Hobbits into the Battle of Bywater. After claiming victory, the Shire was made free once more, and Saruman was killed on the porch of Bag End. Lobelia would then return the home back to the Baggins, trying to make amends for her family’s wrongdoings.

Why can’t Gandalf read the map?

Why can’t Gandalf read Thrór’s map? Gandalf could read the map, just not the Moon Letters. Most of the map could be read by anyone who could read such runes – and Gandalf was well versed in these runes, though he couldn’t read the Gondolin runes inscribed on his sword.

How close is Gondor to Mordor?

Gondor was the most prominent kingdom of Men in Middle-earth, bordered by Rohan to the north, Harad to the south, the Cape of Andrast and the Sea to the west, and Mordor to the east.

Does Earth exist in Lord of the Rings?

Middle-earth, also known as Ennor or Endor, is the main continent of Arda, Tolkien’s imagined version of our Earth’s past. Middle-earth is reminiscent of old Europe in the Middle Ages and earlier—with a significant difference.

Can you walk from the Shire to Mordor?

Widely respected cartographer, Karen Wynn Fonstad, nails the distance Frodo covered on his route to 1779 miles. A physically fit person could cover roughly 12 miles per day, taking into account breaks, sleeping and difficult terrain.

How far is Rivendell from the Shire?

So, with their first destination being Rivendell, it’s estimated that the Hobbits traveled 420 miles starting from the Shire. They take about a month to cover that distance, which is quite impressive considering it takes place entirely on foot.

Can you walk to Mordor?

One does not simply walk into Mordor” You can only arrive at Mount Doom by having the courage to complete each of the five challenges in sequential order. Only those with the determination and bravery to see the journey through to its end will be able to claim the final medal.

Why is Aragorn not in Gondor?

Why Aragorn (and His Ancestors) Waited To Claim Gondor’s Throne. The first reason that Aragorn hadn’t claimed the throne was a matter of semantics. Isildur ruled Arnor, while his brother, Anárion, ruled Gondor. So, technically, Gondor’s line of kings didn’t run through Isildur.

Does Sauron know where the Shire is?

The reason that Sauron didn’t know where the Shire was comes down to how ineffectual he felt it to be. It was not a direct threat to him, and there was nothing there that he could make use of up until the discovery of the Ring itself.

Who protects the Shire?

More importantly, the Shire was guarded and protected by the Dúnedain Rangers, who patrolled the borders and kept out intruders, although Tolkien notes that many of the current hobbits of the Shire had grown so accustomed to this that they had forgotten their protectors altogether.

Can you visit the Shire in real life?

Where is The Shire in New Zealand? Hobbiton and The Shire are located in Matamata on the North Island. To visit you’ll need your own vehicle or you can take a tour from Rotorua or Auckland. The drive from Auckland to Hobbiton takes 2.5 hours.

Is the Hobbit village real?

The movie set Shire is in Matamata New Zealand. The real Shire “Hobbit Village” is/was in Tolkien’s imagination.

How big is Hobbiton?

6. The set covers 4.8 hectares and features 44 hobbit holes. The holes used by actors playing hobbits were built at 90 per cent scale, while the holes used by Gandalf were built at 60 per cent scale to make him look larger. 7.

Was the Shire ever attacked?

The Scouring of the Shire was an event that took place in the Shire at the end of the War of the Ring, and was the only time the Shire was attacked during the Great Years.

Is the Shire called Hobbiton?

Hobbiton is a village of houses and Hobbit-holes, including Bag End. The Shire is a region of farms and villages, including Hobbiton.

Is Hobbiton in the Shire?

Hobbiton was located in the center of the Shire in the far eastern part of the Westfarthing. It was the home of many illustrious Hobbits, including Bilbo and Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee. Notable locations in Hobbiton included the Old Mill and Bag End.

Does Sauron know where the Shire is?

The reason that Sauron didn’t know where the Shire was comes down to how ineffectual he felt it to be. It was not a direct threat to him, and there was nothing there that he could make use of up until the discovery of the Ring itself.

Where is the Shire in Middle-earth in real life?

The beloved home of Bilbo Baggins and his heir, Frodo, The Shire was a bucolic corner of Middle-earth inspired by one of Tolkien’s own childhood homes, particularly the English countryside that surrounded the village of Sarehole, in Birmingham, during the Diamond Jubilee period of 1897.

Where is Angmar in Middle-earth?

Angmar (Q/S. Iron Home) was a realm in the far north of the Misty Mountains, which was founded by the Lord of the Nazgûl, who became known as the Witch-king of Angmar. The capital of Angmar was Carn Dûm.

How did Gandalf find the Shire?

And it was during this peaceful time that Gandalf wandered Middle-earth to meet as many people as he could, which eventually led him to the secluded Shire. Yet it was a simple visit, where he befriended the Hobbits and went on his merry way.

What is the Shire in the Lord of the Rings?

The Shire is a region of J. R. R. Tolkien ‘s fictional Middle-earth, described in The Lord of the Rings and other works. The Shire is an inland area settled exclusively by hobbits, the Shire-folk, largely sheltered from the goings-on in the rest of Middle-earth.

Where is the Shire in The Hobbit?

The Shire is an inland area settled exclusively by hobbits, the Shire-folk, largely sheltered from the goings-on in the rest of Middle-earth. It is in the northwest of the continent, in the region of Eriador and the Kingdom of Arnor. The Shire is the scene of action at the beginning and end of Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

What does the Shire represent in Middle-earth?

In summary, The Shire in Tolkien’s Middle-earth is more than just a setting; it’s a representation of an ideal lifestyle and a character in its own right, embodying themes of peace, simplicity, and a deep connection to the land. Explore The Shire, the serene heartland of Hobbits in Middle-earth.

Where is the Shire in Middle-earth?

In the context of Middle-earth, the Shire is located in the northwest of the continent, in the large region of Eriador. It is situated to the west of the Misty Mountains and is primarily inhabited by Hobbits, a small, peaceful race known for their love of comfort, food, and agriculture.

The Map of the Shire in The Lord of the Rings

As an avid fan of J.R.R. Tolkien’s beloved fantasy series, The Lord of the Rings, I have always been fascinated by the intricate and enchanting world that he crafted. One of the most iconic and recognizable locations within this fantastical realm is the Shire, the pastoral homeland of the hobbits. In this article, I will delve into the details of the map of the Shire, exploring its geography, notable landmarks, and the significance of this region within the larger narrative of The Lord of the Rings.

The Shire is situated in the northwest of Middle-earth, in the region known as Eriador. It is a picturesque and peaceful land, characterized by rolling hills, lush meadows, and babbling brooks. The map of the Shire is divided into four main regions: the Northfarthing, the Westfarthing, the Eastfarthing, and the Southfarthing, each with its own distinct features and inhabitants.

The Northfarthing is known for its rugged terrain and colder climate, with the towering Emyn Uial, or the Hills of Evendim, dominating the northern horizon. This region is home to the town of Oatbarton, renowned for its production of high-quality oats and barley.

The Westfarthing, on the other hand, is the most populous and prosperous region of the Shire. It is home to the town of Michel Delving, the administrative center of the Shire, as well as the iconic landmark of the White Downs, a series of gently sloping hills that are a favorite spot for picnics and outdoor activities among the hobbits.

The Eastfarthing is notable for its dense forests and rolling hills, including the Old Forest, a mysterious and ancient woodland that is said to be home to strange and enchanted creatures. This region is also the location of the town of Buckland, a separate and distinct community within the Shire, known for its slightly more adventurous and curious hobbits.

Finally, the Southfarthing is famous for its lush farmlands and vineyards, producing some of the finest pipeweed and ale in all of Middle-earth. The town of Bywater, situated along the Brandywine River, is a hub of commerce and trade for the Shire.

Throughout the Shire, there are countless other landmarks and points of interest, each with its own unique history and significance. The rolling hills of the Shire are dotted with the cozy, circular hobbit-holes that the inhabitants call home, while the winding roads and paths are perfect for leisurely strolls and adventures.

One of the most iconic features of the Shire’s map is the Brandywine River, which flows through the heart of the region and serves as a natural boundary between the Shire and the lands beyond. The Brandywine Bridge, a sturdy and well-maintained structure, is a vital link between the Shire and the outside world, allowing for trade and communication with other regions of Middle-earth.

The significance of the Shire and its map within the larger context of The Lord of the Rings cannot be overstated. As the birthplace and lifelong home of the story’s protagonists, the hobbits Frodo Baggins, Bilbo Baggins, and their companions, the Shire represents a bastion of peace, stability, and the simple joys of life. It is a place of comfort and familiarity, a safe haven from the dark forces that threaten to engulf Middle-earth.

Throughout Frodo’s perilous journey to destroy the One Ring and defeat the dark lord Sauron, the Shire and its map serve as a constant source of inspiration and motivation, reminding the young hobbit of the beauty and tranquility that he is fighting to protect. The map of the Shire, with its intricate details and rich history, becomes a symbol of the hobbits’ resilience, their deep connection to their homeland, and their unwavering determination to preserve the way of life they hold dear.

In conclusion, the map of the Shire in The Lord of the Rings is a testament to the meticulous world-building of J.R.R. Tolkien, a masterful blend of geography, culture, and storytelling. As a fan, I find myself captivated by the charming and idyllic landscapes, the vibrant communities, and the deeper meanings that this map represents within the larger narrative. Whether you’re a lifelong Tolkien enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of Middle-earth, exploring the map of the Shire is a truly enriching and immersive experience.


  1. What is the capital of the Shire?
    The capital of the Shire is the town of Michel Delving, located in the Westfarthing region.

  2. How many main regions make up the Shire?
    The Shire is divided into four main regions: the Northfarthing, the Westfarthing, the Eastfarthing, and the Southfarthing.

  3. What is the significance of the Brandywine River in the Shire?
    The Brandywine River is a vital landmark in the Shire, serving as a natural boundary between the Shire and the lands beyond. The Brandywine Bridge is an important crossing point that connects the Shire to the outside world.

  4. What are some notable landmarks within the Shire?
    Some notable landmarks within the Shire include the White Downs, the Old Forest, the town of Buckland, and the vineyards and farmlands of the Southfarthing.

  5. Why is the Shire significant within the larger context of The Lord of the Rings?
    The Shire represents a bastion of peace and stability, the birthplace and lifelong home of the story’s protagonists. It serves as a constant source of inspiration and motivation for Frodo and his companions as they undertake their perilous journey to defeat Sauron.

카테고리: New Map Of Shire Lord Of The Rings Update

Interactive Map of Middle-Earth – LotrProject

Welcome to the map! This is a high resolution interactive map of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth. In the menu to the right you can show events, places and character movements. The Lord of the Rings Family Tree Project

The Shire – Tolkien Gateway

On Tolkien’s maps, the Shire is located at about the same position as England is on modern European maps and has been cited Tolkien Gateway

Middle-Earth Map

Discover Middle-Earth during the Third Age. If you like my work, please consider buying me a coffee. Quests. All Middle-Earth Map

Maps of Middle-earth – The One Ring

Detailed and high quality Lord of the Rings maps and Middle-earth maps, including maps of the Shire, Mordor, Númenor, and Beleriand. The One Ring

The Shire | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom

Map of the Shire from The Lord of the Rings Online; Southfarthing not included. In adaptations. The Shire is depicted in the following video games: The Lord of the Rings: Conquest; The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for

The Shire – Region In Middle-earth

Leave a Comment / By jatin / November 29, 2023. “The Shire” is a fictional region in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth, most famously depicted in his works “The Hobbit”

Map of the Shire – J.R.R. Tolkien – The One Ring

A high-quality map of The Shire that’s helpful when reading The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings. The One Ring

Tolkien’s maps – Wikipedia

Maps. The Hobbit contains two simple maps and only around 50 placenames. In the view of the Tolkien critic Tom Shippey, the maps are largely decorative in the “Here be tygers” Wikipedia

The Map of Tolkien’s Middle-earth – The One Wiki to

The Map of Tolkien’s Middle-earth focuses on J.R.R. Tolkien’s map of Middle-earth, as drawn by Christopher Tolkien, enhanced in this publication by illustrator John Howe alongside a booklet by Brian Sibley explaining

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